Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Return of the Crimson King

The King is back.

It wasn't all too long ago that I would have been as boggled by those statements as the average kid my age. You know, if it ain't on the Top 40, screw it, lose it, I don't want to hear it. But that all changed when a glimpse of a horror filled pyschadelic face caught my attention at a local music store. I bought the album, took it home, and shoved it in the CD player. For about five seconds, my mind was distracted, each line of thought fleeting and undedicated. Then the screaming guitar of Robert Fripp blasted in to me and my mind became a singularity, dedicated solely to listening to this amazing audio sensation. The sensation was King Crimson's debut album, In the Court of the Crimson King.

Yah, yah, I was almost forty years too late. So I wasn't born in the 50's, sue me! But I hopped on that train, and was hooked to the progressive, jazzy, free jamming gods that were King Crimson. And why is this all relevant? Well, as any fan of King Crimson knows, their line up changes like a man caught with another's wife, fast and its done with quickly. And for all those (nonexistent) readers who missed it this fantastic piece of news like I did, the new line up has been announced and will make their debut in August of this year.

Robert Fripp, Adrian Belew, Tony Levin, and Pat Mastelotto will be joined by Gavin Harrison, the talented drummer of Psychadelic band Porcupine Tree fame. Being a fan of both bands, this is a combination so perfect that its a wonder I hadn't thought of it while jammering away at one point, "You...you know what would be tooootally awesome? That drummer of Porcupine Tree...that drummer...with King Crimson! I KNOW?!"

Get Ready.

Credit goes out too Adrian for pointing this out too me, fellow music and King Crimson lover, and the owner of this lovely little website. http://www.geocities.com/belewfripp/index.html


Ron said...

I hate you and I hate the bands you like!

Ron said...

...my (mis)use of that quote has never been more appropriate.

Buddah with a bra on said...

1. Why, why why why did you never express your ignorance of the Crimson King before! I will live in shame for not introducing you to them earlier. :(

2. Porcupine Tree are too awesome to be described as a mere one-genre band. Just call them awesome or something.

3. King Crimson + Harrison = gasm.